KN95 vs N95 mask: Which is better?

KN95 vs N95 mask

Oh the great debate between the KN95 vs N95 mask this topic is raging right now and we hope our article can provide a great reference. With the ongoing pandemic, different types of masks have surfaced: homemade cloth masks, surgical masks, and N95 Respirators. These masks differ in filtration, which is what protects the wearer […]

KN95 Respirators vs Cloth Masks: The Ultimate Comparison

KN95 vs Cloth Mask Comparison data

We hope this guide on KN95 vs Cloth Masks comparison will help you understand the benefits of wearing a mask. Ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a debate started among scientists and healthcare officials over the correct measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Early recommendations -such as going against the use […]

Why are KN95 Masks Important?

Why are KN95 masks important

Nowadays, it’s a common sight to see other people wearing face masks, and nobody would wonder why. Even though there are many face mask types out there, many people would prefer KN95 masks. The main importance of wearing KN95 masks stems from its ability to protect you from viruses, bacteria, and other pollutants. Additionally, KN95 […]

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