top reasons to wear a KN95 mask
Photo by Edward Jenner

You might be an asymptomatic case – and you’d be spreading the disease unknowingly

People with symptoms of COVID-19 aren’t the only ones who should use a face mask. There’s a lot of people who never develop symptoms and spread the virus; without knowing that they were infected in the first place. These are the asymptomatic cases, and they represent a huge percentage of COVID-19 cases. This is very dangerous, and using a face mask is one of the best ways of preventing this from happening. Not using a mask is putting others in risk, even if you’re feeling okay. This is just one of the reasons to Wear a KN95 Mask.

Masks are an indispensable tool to protect others, especially vulnerable populations

Unlike onions, garlic, and… camel urine?, masks are actually a really good measure to protect yourself and others against COVID-19. That’s not a joke either people really did drink camel urine in an attempt to cure COVID-19. Don’t drink camel urine just wear a KN95 mask. However, masks aren’t a magical tool or a cure against the disease. They act as a barrier between an infected and a healthy person, and are capable of reducing the chances of spreading droplets containing the virus up to 95%. Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, obese, and diabetic people need to have special caution against the virus; which means that they’ll be far more protected if others around them use a KN95 face mask.

Wearing a mask is far safer than not wearing one

Researchers at Florida Atlantic University tested the efficiency of different kinds of masks and measured the traveling distance of droplets. Without a mask, droplets traveled more than 8 feet. A bandanna cut the distance to 3 feet, 7 inches, and a folded cotton handkerchief reduced that distance even more, to 1 foot, 3 inches. This means that using any kind of mask -including cloth masks- is a good measure to prevent the spread of the disease. Nevertheless, masks such as N95 and KN95 are capable of filtering 95 percent of particles up to 0.3-μm of size; which means that they offer the best protection against the virus. This is the reason why doctors, nurses and paramedics all wear a N95 or KN95 mask it can provide the best protection. These are reasons to wear a KN95 face mask as they are trusted by some of best doctors in the world.

It is minimal effort, but a big responsibility

Using a face mask is not only a way of protecting our health; but also a way of saving other people’s lives until a vaccine or a drug treatment is finally developed. Really it is not a difficult thing to do you just have to wear it. When combined with other measures such as social distancing and compulsive hand-washing we can slow the spread. These are the only proven measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting ourselves, and others regardless of our ideologies is a big responsibility!

Depending on the clothes you’re wearing, you’d look awesome

Hey, we’re being serious here: using a face mask is not only a badass pre-apocalyptic costume; but a nice addition to your wardrobe. Therefore, you would not only be saving lives but also looking awesome while doing it. Check out our catalog of KN95 masks; with five layers of protection and 95-percent filtration against viruses, bacteria, and other particles in our store!

Hi I’m Julio Alfonzo a Venezuelan comedian and writer. Also a surfer, bodybuilder, 2-times Emmy nominee, and a liar.

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